How to Frame Your Request for a Parenting Plan Modification
Family LawOne thing to count on in life is that things will change. If you’ve been through a divorce — and you have children — then you understand more th ...
One thing to count on in life is that things will change. If you’ve been through a divorce — and you have children — then you understand more th ...
The divorce process is full of many details, and creating a parenting agreement is likely the most important. When you’re satisfied with the agreeme ...
It is generally simpler to file for divorce if there are no children involved. Otherwise, the divorcing parties must carefully consider the legal righ ...
When deciding whether or not to live apart from your spouse, divorce is not the only legal option. While a divorce is a court judgment that ends a mar ...
Almost all adults are free to move about as they want. They can pick up and relocate at the drop of a hat if they so choose. That is, unless they have ...
One source of post-divorce stress for many parents can involve their conflicting views about how to share their children on special occasions, like Ch ...