American spouses don’t always stay in their marriages until “happily ever after.” If you’re reading this article, that may be true for you and you’re considering getting a divorce. However, if you don’t plan for your divorce the right way, you could encounter problems – which is one of the reasons why having an experienced legal counselor by your side throughout the process is immeasurably valuable.

Here are two potential divorce problems that a family law attorney – through wise advice and counsel – may be able to help you bypass:

Post-divorce child custody court battles

Your child custody and parenting plan are important parts of the equation when it comes to peaceful co-existence with your co-parent in the future years to come. A well-drafted child custody agreement and parenting plan will bypass numerous potential problems. As added protection from future child custody dispute court proceedings, parents may also want to include special provisions in their legal agreements that offer a means for out-of-court, alternative dispute resolution methods for resolving heated disputes if they should arise.

Unequal and unfair asset division

Sometimes a divorcing spouse receives the short end of the stick when dividing assets after a marriage. Normally, this is not because marital asset division laws were working against them. Rather, it’s because the divorcing spouse did not take action to protect and defend his or her right to a fair divorce settlement under the law.

Avoid this by learning the ins and outs of your and your spouse’s financial situations. Don’t leave any stone unturned when it comes to uncovering potentially hidden assets. Also, understand the true value, liquidity and tax liabilities associated with all assets within your marital estate.

Don’t go it alone in your divorce process. Get the professional divorce assistance you require to avoid the potential legal and financial problems as a result of your marital breakup.