One source of post-divorce stress for many parents can involve their conflicting views about how to share their children on special occasions, like Christmas, Easter, birthdays and other special times of the year. If your spouse doesn’t want you to have the kids this Christmas, the question of what you can do about it can only be answered in the context of your parenting plan and child custody agreement.

What kind of holiday sharing arrangements have you included in your parenting plan?

Within most court-approved parenting plans, the parents will have provided details that show how parenting time should be shared on special holidays and events. If you’re experiencing a conflict with the other parent regarding holiday sharing, you will likely find the answer to your dilemma within the parenting plan.

Perhaps you’ve agreed to have your kids every other Christmas. Perhaps you’ve agreed to have your kids every Christmas and give your kids to your spouse every Thanksgiving. What’s key is to determine whether your spouse is adhering to the parenting plan or not. If your spouse is making a demand that does not coincide with the parenting plan, you are within your legal rights to say, “No.” If your ex violates the parenting agreement, you can request court intervention to prevent this abuse of your parenting privileges.

You might want to consult with an attorney to find out your legal rights and options

Parents who have questions about holidays and custody or visitation rights may want to consult with an Arizona family law attorney who can review the custody documentation to determine who has the right to spend time with the children on any given holiday.